
 For the autoscopy project, I decided to take a more abstract route, and not make the image so literal. I decided to use images that included space, books, a third eye, and some bright light as a way to say that knowledge is powerful. I didn’t want to necessarily just include the books in my project, because knowledge to me is beyond that. It includes intuition which is why I included the third eye. I used bright colors to represent the immense power knowledge can have and I made it colorful to invoke this “awe” feeling. I decided to white out my eyes to show that knowledge is more than just seeing as well. It’s being open minded and exploring things beyond what we already know and can see with our eyes. 


  1. Josephine -- I love the unique route you took to create this project. The creativity you used to make this project is quite prevalent and the idea behind knowledge and the third eye is a powerful concept. I think you did a great job with the background and the images you chose to make this are all challenging images but you perfected it. Good job !!

  2. This project honestly is really well done. the way all of your pieces were able to blend together, without anything feeling jarring or out of place, is a testament to how well the piece is. It does a good job of invoking a spiritual, supernatural vibe. The choice to have the illustrations of the books in the background also blends nicely, into the background, with the sense of main figure being in possession of great knowledge.


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