Illustrator Beginner Videos

  1. under each video write 1-2 paragraphs if you think the tool will be easy or hard to use, how you might use it and what you find interesting about the video

The pencil tool looks very useful to any project I’m going to use in the future. I love thin lines and simplicity for my art style in general, so this will be perfect for that. It looks relatively easy as I’m watching him work with it in the video, but I’m not 100 percent sure. Illustrator looks a lot like photoshop with its tools, so I’m curious to see what’s different. The video was very useful, but I would recommend slowing the speed down, because he talks pretty fast.

The smart guides tool looks really helpful because it helps automatically place where you might want your shape. This could be useful in my project because it could make the process go a lot quicker and easier by guiding the shape where I would want it to be without being exact. The tool looks pretty easy, being that it’s only a one click option. I’m not sure if this is even really a tool, but it was something I wanted to take note of for future use, and something I would really want to use. The video was a lot more slow than the first one, and he explained each tool and why more thoroughly which I enjoy.

Around 5 minutes into the video, the woman starts describing how to duplicate canvas’s. This could be potentially really helpful if I want to make different smaller artworks side by side. It could also help me visualize the artworks together on the same canvas rather than in a separate document. The tool looks easy to use and probably isn’t going to be used that often. The video was interesting because it was even slower paced than the other video, but she didn’t describe why it might be useful. 


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